
Photography by Lex B. Anderson, 2020

Cultural Engagement

We use the term “cultural” in every sense of the word.

We understand humanity is made up of many different cultures, and that’s the first step in creating social belonging. Cultural engagement is participation, advocacy, and cultivation of the diverse characteristics of all Utahns. We are also reminded that we are a part of history, and we continue to define our future as we volunteer, preserve the past, and amplify all voices.

Life is enhanced through celebration, innovation, science,  music, art, literature, and traditions. It provides social and economic value to communities, and it opens our eyes to the unique traits that make Utah’s people.

We enrich quality of life.


More Than A Flag

Designing a new state flag offers Utahns the chance to talk about who we are now. It’s a chance to talk about the symbols and colors that represent our shared identity. Together, we can design a 21st-century flag to represent a 21st-century state.

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The Museum of Utah

The Museum of Utah will exhibit Utah’s vast collection of historic artifacts, letters, photographs, manuscripts, and fine art that bring Utah’s memory and meaning to life. 
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Community Engagement

It’s being a part of something greater than ourselves. 

A strong community collaborates to solve issues and fosters a sense of togetherness through shared cultural experiences. A community’s cultural assets express its pride and uniqueness. These assets can be leveraged to reinforce belonging among its people or to attract economic opportunities.

For local governments, having invested citizens tells you that they see themselves as leaders who support the common good.
We cultivate vibrant, inclusive communities.


Cultural Capital Grants

The Utah State Legislature generously provided $4 million dollars to invest in capital projects for community facilities in Utah.

Funds may be used for new construction, or renovations and remodeling to an existing facility.

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Our Seven Divisions

We align our programmatic efforts to activate the social and civic engagement needed to cultivate creativity, reinforce a sense of belonging, and encourage collaboration. Each division's work positively impacts individuals, communities, and ultimately the intangible heart of the state.

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Utah State Historic Preservation OfficeUtah Division of Arts and MuseumsUtah State Library Division
Utah Division of Multicultural AffairsUtah STEM Action CenterUServe Utah
Utah Division of Indian AffairsUtah Division of State History